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Server Upgrade Process

WF use AWS Lightsail to provide their server environment.  This consists of a blueprint environment configured and tested to provide a specific software stack.  We use the LAMP blueprint to support our Joomla CMS, as it is designed for PHP-based websites, with an underlying SQL database, deployed over Apache.

As Amazon say:

This blueprint is configured for production environments. It includes SSL auto-configuration with Let's Encrypt certificates, and the latest releases of PHP, Apache, and MariaDB on Linux. This application also includes phpMyAdmin, PHP main modules and Composer.

As new releases are tested by AWS, a new blueprint is deployed.  We keep up with the latest releases to ensure we are using the latest versions of the software stack that will work with Joomla.


Using Lightsail:

    • Create a new LAMP server
    • Create a new Static IP Address to refer to the new server
    • Edit the  domain wftest2.uk to the new Static IP Address

Using SSH

    • Create SSL certificate using bncert-tool 

sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool 

    • Once bncert has created the SSL, test the domain links to the new server
    • Pick up the admin password from new server:.  You will need this to load the backup

cat bitnami_application_password

Using Filezilla

    • Upload the latest zip file to the server htdocs folder
    • Rename the uploaded file to upload.zip

Using SSH

    • Remove the original index file and unzip the uploaded backup: 

cd htdocs;
rm index.html; 
sudo unzip upload.zip 

    • Amend the ownership etc of files/folders 

sudo chown daemon:daemon -R htdocs/ 

Install the website

The extract of the zip file creates the environment.  To complete the installation, navigate (in a browser) using the domain name created above.  This will take you to a web page requesting parameter input.  Use the following responses: 

Server: localhost 
User name:root 
Password: <as retrieved above> 
Database Name: wf 

Follow the dialog through, and the website environment will be created.

Tidy Up

There are a couple of 'tidy up' issues to address.  The first is to sort a specific Joomla warning. The second is to setup crontab to complete a full daily backup of the website.  The final stage is to transfer access the live domains to the new server, and run bncert to create the SSL configuration.  Finally, you can remove the old server and static IP address.

Sort Joomla warning (SSH)

cd /opt/bitnami/php/; 
sudo chown daemon:daemon tmp;  

Setup crontab (SSH)

crontab -e
0 3 * * * sudo /opt/bitnami/php/bin/php htdocs/cli/joomla.php akeeba:backup:take 
0 4 * * * sudo chown daemon:daemon -R htdocs/ 

In Lightsail, edit the live domains to point to the new server & run bncert tool again to create SSL. Finally, remove the old server and static IP address

File/Folder Config

If there is an issue with file & folder ownership/permission settings, the following will seteup the correct config

sudo chown daemon:daemon -R htdocs/; 
sudo find htdocs/ -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \; 
sudo find htdocs/ -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;





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