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Board Announcement

On behalf of the membership, the Board would like to thank Mark Ridsdale and Fran Whalley for their contribution to Welsh Fencing.

Both are standing down from their Director and Secretary roles respectively, with Mark also having previously undertaken the role of Chair.

During their tenures, they have both worked tirelessly to improve access to everything associated with fencing across the whole of Wales. Their passion, and focus on participants has improved support for coaches, referees, and fencers. They have also worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that Welsh Fencing is in the strong position that it is from a governance and finance point of view.

On a personal note, I would like to thank Mark for all the support and patience he has shown me in my first 2 years as Chair. His knowledge and wisdom has helped me enormously in understanding the role of Chair, and developing relationships with our stakeholders at Sport Wales and beyond.

Fran continually inspires a focus on our members. Fencers, coaches, referees, clubs etc are the lifeblood of our sport, and she ensured that this was always at the forefront of board discussions.

A huge thank you to you both.

Matt Russell
Chair – Welsh Fencing

Cadet Championships 2023

Welsh Fencing held their second Cadet Championships on 11th February. It was encouraging to see several new fencers competing, and the commitment shown by some by travelling a long way to come the event.

There was a high standard of fencing on show, and many congratulations to all fencers, and particularly the medallists as follows:

John Ellis Jones (1929-2023)

It is with sadness we would like to inform that John, a Welsh Veteran fencer, and a member of Bangor University Fencing Club for about 20 years, passed away on Saturday 28th of January. He joined the club in his late 60s shortly before his retirement as a Senior Lecturer. Despite being a complete novice, he showed such natural aptitude.

Para-Fencing Update

Welsh Fencing are pleased to announce 2 major updates regarding para-fencing in Wales.

We recently secured capital funding from Sport Wales to purchase 2 wheelchair fencing frames and several wheelchairs suitable for fencing.

 One of the significant barriers for disabled people to participate in sports and physical activity is the additional equipment needed and its higher cost than equivalent equipment for non-disabled participants. Welsh Fencing is working to reduce that barrier by loaning these frames to strategically placed clubs, initially in Cardiff & Wrexham, enabling more opportunities for wheelchair users across Wales.

ADPC & BYC Qualifiers 2023

Sunday 5th March saw over 40 fencers join our ADPC (Athlete Development Programme Cymru) training and BYC Qualifiers Day.

Welsh Fencing would like to thank all the fencers and parents that made the journey to this event, some from far-flung parts of the country.

David Mort

We have learned with regret that David Mort, former fencer, and WF Honorary Life Member has passed away.  He had been unwell in recent months.    Older members may remember David as one of the founder members of the old ‘Excalibur’ club from the ‘60s, along with other notables such as Mike Lee & Fred Suller.   As WAFU Chairman 1970-80, David and his wife Yvonne were the instigators of the Welsh Open in 1971, or possibly earlier, and in recognition of his efforts, he was made an Honorary Member of WAFU in May 1999, and its Life President.

He will be sadly missed.

Senior Winton Cup 2023 - Update

The board of Welsh Fencing would like to thank those fencers that sent in their expression of interest to represent the Welsh region in the upcoming Senior Winton Cup. The board very much appreciate your commitment and desire to fence at this event.

Unfortunately, we have only had enough responses to field 3 of the 6 teams required, and it is with regret that we are therefore not able to enter this year’s event.

The board looked at a range of options to try and fill the teams, but we understand that there were many other commitments that weekend for fencers across Wales which has led to the unavailability of many of our fencers. To enter only half a team does not align with the character and values of the Winton Cup.

We hope that this is a unique set of circumstances in 2023, and we will endeavour to send full teams to compete for this Cup in future years.

Welsh Veterans National Championships 2023

chrisdaviesThis year we are pleased to announce that the 2023 Welsh Veterans Championship is being held at Llantwit Major Leisure Centre. We are also pleased to announce that the event is being generously sponsored by Chris Davies Estate Agents.

Llantwit Major is a small town located on the coast in the Vale of Glamorgan, it boasts a small beach which is good for surfing. There is plenty of accommodation, food and drink in the surrounding area to suit all tastes and budgets. The leisure centre has a free carpark and has showers, changing facilities WiFi, Water refill station. Catering is limited and competitors are advised to bring their own food and drink, a small first aid kit and personal medication.

Details of any formal/casual social event will be released at a later date.

Welsh Fencing Limited is a company limited by guarantee no 7583044. Registered in England & Wales.

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Registered office: Welsh Fencing, Sport Wales National Centre, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff CF11 9SW

© 2024 Welsh Fencing Ltd